admin .: My Waterloo is over!

This is Famous Svens Wondrous Homepage! On this page you got the latest news about my time in Canada!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

My Waterloo is over!

I have been a bit slack in the last time updating my blog. Basically it happened not much, we had a few BBQs though. Here are some impressions of my last days in Waterloo:

left: a last picture in the bomber (fltr: Martin, Daniela, me, Alex); right: Sascha at the BBQ, he definitely had enough fire this evening.

fltr: Jessi, me, Daniel and Jakob

Repeating myself I just can say it was very good time I spent in Waterloo. Before I'll go back to Germany I will travel into the far west of Canada exploring the Rocky Mountains and the West Coast. Thus, there won't be any updates before I'm back home but then I hope I can provide you with awesome pictures and wonderful stories of my trip before I finish my work on this website.


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