A great year is over
Being home again I can look back on a great year in Canada. This homepage will finally find its rest as this might be the last update on it.
Thanks to everyone who visited this site during the year as my thanks also adresses all the people which made the year to what it was: A great and unique experience!
May the legend of this blog survive and help to reminisce these fantastic times.
hi sven, here is my comment which i think i must post to make you happy again... :) your page is nice, and i'm looking forward to read more. i hope, you will have the kindness to tell me if there is more - i'm sure, you will. :)
ok, i must prepare for the barbecue this evening (1h to choose a dress and 2h for make-up - you understand, i hope :)), so cu later!
25 September, 2004
hey S V E N, my one and only real bro in the new world. Your page is fucking awesome, dude! I'm not kidding. Hope that a lot more people will visit your page - otherwise they'll miss a great source of pleasure!
c ya urs
27 September, 2004
It seems to be very important that I leave a message, so I'm trying really hard. So Sven, nice page! But that's the least you can expect from a famous guy. I can't wait to see the Toronto pictures. I guess I will tell my friends to visit your site - that will save me the time of setting up my own page and make you even more famous!
01 October, 2004
hey sven, i kept my promis, and i am posting a comment. well i have to say i am very impressed, this is a very nice web page, althoughi do give props to phill for it as well. i quite like the photo of the CN tower in the reflection of the building, nicely taken. by the way you are one of the funniest perople, just the way you say things or tell stories makes me laugh. keep this updated i will check by regularly. by the way, have you been sucessfull recently? - isabelle
05 October, 2004
Hi Sven!
Niece web site! Good thanksgiving!
10 October, 2004
Hallo Sven!!
Damit wir gleich auffallen schreiben wir dir auf Deutsch. Starke Homepage, viele schöne Bilder. Uns gehts hier gut, nur das Wetter ist bescheiden. Hab noch viel Spaß in Canada, frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 2005!!
Viele Grüße von Laura, Carsten und Melanie
P.S. Leider wissen wir deine e-Mail Adresse nicht. Unsere Ist carstenmel@gmx.de
Wir würden dir gerne mal ein paar Bilder von Laura schicken!!
28 November, 2004
Hi Sven,
what a surprise when we got that postcard from you! Thank you for your postcard, it is the first time that we have received writing from Canada. When I am looking at the pictures you made, it has to be really wonderful. We are really fond of your homepage. Today Isa and Jens are our guests for eating duck.
So we decided to send you best wishes for christmas and have a goood new year.
Rita, Hartmut, Jens and Isa.
05 December, 2004
Congratulations SVEN, You have finished all of your exams! Hope they all went well!
Mont Tremblant Here we come!
16 December, 2004
hey sven! your blog is only getting better and better! a real pleasure to read across! c ya! örs
22 January, 2005
Hello Sven,
I met you and Daniela yesterday at the DC library, I thought that Id drop in and say hi! We talked about traveling, Germany and football, haha...
If you don't mind, I'd like to put up the photo of the reflection of the CN Tower up on my page, I think its a totally wicked photo, I'll try to look for that exact same spot next time Im in downtown TO.
Anyway, thats about it for now. later buddy,
01 June, 2005
Sounds like that you had a very intresting year then. TRhanks for storage of my *personal* belongings.
17 June, 2005
Hi there Sven... Have to say that I am surprised... Your blog has during this whole year been an oas for me to collect energy and joy, and as you can see I still visit your blog. When you started your blog I did not think too much of the idea but the truth is that it has been the best blog overall during this whole time..and to even top it more you made a movie..excellent I must say.. Like you I had an amasing year and we have to remember that we will always have this year in commom..all of us that have lived it in waterloo... I hope that you and all the other Waterloo people that have blogs will keep them going on the web cause it is very nice to once in a while log on to them and remember this year.. The truth is and I think a lot of people agree with me on this one, is that "WE WILL NEVER AND SHOULD NEVER FORGET WATERLOO 2004/2005". Thank you Sven and all of you people that were there...
10 September, 2005
Hey Sven
This is the comment I never wrote in 8 months!! But this time the year in Wateerloo is over and I thought I have to write it. I just looked at your video and it's really awesome, as the rest of your blog! It's so good to remember all the wonderful moments of this great year and I'm glad your blog's still here. I hope you will go on updating it. And I definitively agree with William on this one "We will never forget Waterloo 2004/2005". I miss you all guys!!
Thanks a lot for everything Sven
14 October, 2005
Hey Sven,
Just checked up on you, on your website. Great video dude, hope everything's going well for you back in Braunschweig. Leave the joker standing- I'll be back.
08 November, 2005
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