admin .: Download a last memory!

This is Famous Svens Wondrous Homepage! On this page you got the latest news about my time in Canada!

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Download a last memory!

As a special feature you can download the official "Sven-in-Canada-video" now in three different qualities. It summarizes my exchange year within a couple of minutes. Go for it!

Best Quality (38 MB)
Medium Qualtity (18 MB)
Poor Quality (10 MB)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there Sven... Have to say that I am surprised... Your blog has during this whole year been an oas for me to collect energy and joy, and as you can see I still visit your blog. When you started your blog I did not think too much of the idea but the truth is that it has been the best blog overall during this whole time..and to even top it more you made an movie..excellent I must say.. Like you I had an amasing year and we have to remember that we will always have this year in commom..all of us that have lived it in waterloo... So the truth is that "WE WILL NEVER AND SHOULD NEVER FORGET WATERLOO 2004/2005"

10 September, 2005

Blogger Philip said...

Thats really good Sven, I would say it's even in the same league as mine... ;)

Thanks for a great year and come down under and give us a visit! I will endeavor to visit the European continent again before too long!



11 September, 2005

Blogger FAMOUS SVEN said...

I knew I would forget someone, as I mentioned. So thanks to Craig as well for taking great pictures on our skiing trip.

30 September, 2005


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