admin .: March 2005

This is Famous Svens Wondrous Homepage! On this page you got the latest news about my time in Canada!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Sarah kicked out of the bomber!

The last wednesday of the term offered also the last opportunity for a great bomber night. It was Sarah who initiated it and it was finally her who stopped it as well.

It started like a typical celebration night (left) but then Sarah started to paint herself (right) and others with luminous colour.

The evening turned out to be a very good party night (left) and the right picture (with Urs) was the last one I could take in the bomber before the french girl started to throw cartboards at Urs and got kicked out for it.

So what have these three exchange students in common? Yes, they all have been kicked out of the bomber once! I think I can be really proud of my friends.

End of the term beer!

The second term is over now. Time for our weekend beer we had usually every wednesday. This time it would be our last one.

fltr: Thomas, who could be persuaded of german beer and kept buying it, me having a delicious Löwenbräu and Philip, who tried to tease me by buying dutch beer. Ok, finally it was him who had to drink it

It was always the most enjoyable moment of the week. It's a pity that it was our last common weekend beer. It was great to live with you two guys in this crazy unit.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Nice outside Easter Breakky!

The Easter Rabbit brought a very nice gift: The spring! At around 9°C it was really enjoyable to take the breakfast outside on the patio (Phil and Tom shoveled the snow away on Saturday).

above: Thomas and me enjoying our breakfast in springlike Easter ambience. (pics taken by Phil who was forced out of the bed due to the nice weather)

Happy Easter everybody!

Friday, March 18, 2005

German Banquet

One of the official highlights of the Braunschweig-Waterloo exchange is the traditional german banquet in the transalvania club. Started several years ago with just a few Braunschweig students Reini made a big event out of it which all the german exchange students can join.

left: The dinner was typical german: A Schnitzel! right: Change in style: The beer out of the Vogtland was served in cans.

Our exchange group with our co-ordinator Reini (sitting on the chair); fltr: Sascha, Wolfgang, Arne, Matthias, Martina, Jörn Marten, Stefan, Lutz, Matthias, me and Christoph.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Last game, first victory!

On our last curling draw we were facing a big pressure. Without ever winning a game we started into the last one of our common career. The honour of all international students was at stake. In short: We had to play the game of our lives...and we did.
The game was exciting till the end with changing leadings. Finally we won having one granite around 1mm closer in the house. The victory was more than deserved.

The winning CLV-curling team, fltr: Philip, the australian brushing machine, me, tonights lead, William, our star skip and icebreaker and Urs, our source of experience.

Now another great team disbands. Mates, although we had just one victory, I think we won so much more. I had really fun with you on the ice, thanks for this awesome season.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

70s-80s-Party in our unit!

This saturday night it was our turn again to organize a party in our unit. We took a musical journey back to the 70s and 80s. Since people already expect much creativity from us we even topped our decorations from the last parties.
Somehow this evening turned out to have it's own style: Some people spoke really strange words and acting was also not always rational. "It was a party to remember!" (quotation from Stefan translated from german)

left: People talked about the good old times while listening to the music!
right: Allison: "Are yoyos big in germany?" me:"ahhhh...same size!"

We kept the event under control: (unit 20 fltr: Philip, me, Thomas and one of the best friends of the house: Bea)

left and middle: The visitors seemed to have fun (fltr: Stefan, Allison, Sascha, Philip, Sarah, Fabio, Allison); right: "Sorry I have to go!" Short appearance of Delphine.

Urs uncommon presence made it possible: The curling team was complete, one evening before their last match. I think a great era draws to a close. (fltr: me, William, Urs, Philip)

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Canadian stag night

Vic, a guy out of my class, is just maried. Time to celebrate the farewell from the bachelor. It started with kidnapping him and ended where it had to end: In a bar where I was not even allowed to take photos for some reason.

Just married: Vic, I hope you like the whipped cream and the ice you're going to have.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Brick's Brewery Tour

Just for pure interest in my field of studies and for no other reason I joined the tour to Brick's brewery. To my dissapointment it was more a drinking session than a real brewery tour but after asking nicely we finally got our technical introduction.

After checking the vessel of the fermentation reactor (left) and observing the process (right)...

...Stefan and me discussed about process optimization (left). Of course we had to test the product to get sensitive for it (right: here with Philip at the last call). What a pity that we had just 2 hours, so we had really to hurry to get sensitive.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Congratulations Allison

Allison my australian study mate and good friend of mine took part in a special project last term. She and her team spend lots of time and hard work on designing a hydrogen power park.
Taking part with this project in a competition with several other North American universities her group won the second prize and is invited to Washington now to take part at the hydrogen conference.

Congratulations Allison! I'm really happy with you and admire the amount of hard work you put in there. And I'm really proud to be able to say that I have studied with this great engineer.