admin .: November 2004

This is Famous Svens Wondrous Homepage! On this page you got the latest news about my time in Canada!

Sunday, November 28, 2004

1. Advent

The first advent we celebrated in our unit, the one and only christmas unit in Columbia Lake Village. We even have a christmas tree and hundreds of tiny lights. Daniela and me could proudly present our selfmade "Christstollen" a german fruit cake, Jörn Marten made the tea and so we had a nice afternoon with christmas music in the background.

The christmas-team (fltr): me, Thomas, Daniela and Phil in front of our christmas tree

Saturday, November 13, 2004

My lost sister

On this evening I've met my lost canadian sister Kelly. Although she said she would have been in my classes during the whole term I didn't recognized her (sorry for this). But I always felt she is close to me.

This picture shows three of the best chemical engineers: Me, Kelly and Paul. (fltr)

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Presentation about Germany

This day we and the exchange group from Hamburg had a presentation about studing in Germany. It is the main event of our persuading attempts to get more canadian students to the "center of engineering".

Our program coordinator Prof. Reinhold Schuster (Reini) opened the presentation (left). Then it was our turn to be on our best behaviour (right).

Due to a lot of advertising we made the days before, we had quite a big audience. As Reini told it was the biggest one in the history of the program. I really hope to see some of these faces next year in Braunschweig again.

In class

fltr: Allison from down under, Stefan and me in the break of the process control lecture

Saturday, November 06, 2004

The day after: Toronto

On Saturday we went to Toronto again and got some nice impressions.

Eating with sticks is one of the things I really learned here in Canada. OK, where else?

The Eaton-Center is a huge shoppingmall and considered to be the centre of Toronto.

Friday, November 05, 2004

International Party

On Friday we had a party in our unit. It was an international party because we played just music out of our home countrys. This lead to a mix of german, swiss, swedish, french and australiens sounds.

It began quite nice with lots of ballons.

But later someone broke a bottle of wine in our kitchen. Delphine, Christoph and Stefan are dicussing whose fault it was. But the wrongdoer couldn't hide for long.

The Aussie in his right position: down under
I think he felt like home!

left: Rainer meets his neighbour. By the way: Could you imagine that this girl tore open tons of rats and baby-chickens?
With the same time in the kitchen Urs started to stir again although it was his sober evening. (right)

left: It was definitely Stefans night!
right: The best and most educated conversations are always held in the kitchen. That's the reason why I'm there and therefore on so few photos this time.