admin .: August 2004

This is Famous Svens Wondrous Homepage! On this page you got the latest news about my time in Canada!

Friday, August 27, 2004

Braunschweig-Waterloo-Exchange: The chosen few

This is the 26th group of the very traditional BS-UW-exchange programm:
From left to right: Christoph, Stefan, Matthias, Sven, Matthias, Arne, Martina, Jörn Marten, Sascha, Lutz and Wolfgang

We are studying now for one year at the University of Waterloo, Ontario,Canada. This exchange-program is the oldest one in the Faculty of Engineering and has a high reputation. I'm proud to be member of this group.

Special thanks to my roommate Philip from Australia for creating this site and Urs the crazy swiss guy who got not tired to tell everyone from our first meeting on that I must be famous. This led to the wonderful title of this homepage!